The postcards from Berlin-Mitte give an impression of the ever-changing cityscape. The messages from the sender provide valuable information about the past.
The BERLIN-MITTE-ARCHIV has an inventory of about 9000 designs. The collection mainly contains photo or printed postcards, or printed postcards of streets, squares, building facades and interior shots.
Photographs are -like the postcards- valuable documents of the changing city. Private photos particular convey a special view of Berlin-Mitte. Current photographs are complemented continuously in addition to historical photographic documents . The photo collection in BERLIN-MITTE-ARCHIV currently includes a stock of about 10,000 photo documents, dias, film and glass negatives.
Newspapers, magazines

Newly constructed buildings were particulary in the first half of the 20th century published in technical journals and folders. The BERLIN-MITTE-ARCHIV has a large inventory of collotypes and architectural journals from the period between 1880 and the 1920s.
We offer research in our collection of about 20,000 newspaper clippings to all Berlin-Mitte relevant topics.

At a time before photography became the main image medium, graphics of various techniques ( wood engravings, steel engravings, lithographs, etc. ) provide a picture of the streets and squares and urban life.
The graphics collection at BERLIN-MITTE-ARCHIV includes a selection of graphic sheets, which complements the other collections of images for the period before the 1890th.
The stocks of the archive will be presented in the ever-changing Berlin-topics